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DCA takes part in many Archery GB classifications, schemes and awards which enable archers to be awarded with badges that represents their progress with a given round or general shooting standard.

Each classification, scheme and award has its own set of rules that must be followed in order to qualify for a badge. 

Indoor Badges

General Classification

Archery GB's general classification (GC) allows archers to be awarded a badge based on the overall shooting performance during the indoor season. This is awarded once at the end of the indoor season.

To qualify for an Indoor GC, an archer must shoot and score any 3 rounds during the same season either in club sessions or in tournaments.

For Indoors, the classifications run from A through H, with A being the highest badge.

Picture of all Indoor General Classification badges

Portsmouth Award

The Portsmouth Award is the most awarded badge as the round is easily regarded as the most shot round. 
This is a progression award, where you shoot a baseline and aim to improve over the course of the season/s. 

In order to be awarded with a Portsmouth badge, an archer must shoot ** Portsmouth scores during any session within 1 season. All badges can be collected and don't have to be handed in when you achieve the next badge. 

Picture of all portsmouth award badges

Worcester Scheme

The Worcester scheme is an change of pace for those wanting to try a different round.

An archer has to shoot at a unique 16" black and white target, and you shoot 5 arrows in an end instead of 3.
This is another progression scheme, where you shoot a baseline and aim to improve over the course of the season/s. 

In order to be awarded with a Worcester badge, an archer must shoot 2 Worcester scores during any session within 1 season. Only one badge can be collected at a time and must be handed in when an archer achieves the next badge. 

Picture of all worcester scheme badges

AGB Progression Scheme

The AGB Progression scheme is an award scheme created by AGB to aid with all archers, but specifically new archers to set goals and encourage and motivate archers to recognise their achievements and progress within the club.

Archers must shoot 36 arrows in one session on a standard Portsmouth target face.

The award is separated by colours: White, Black, Blue, Red and Gold.

An archer must achieve a score 3 times to qualify for a badge.

These scores can be shot within the same session or separate sessions.

Picture of all AGB progression scheme badges

Outdoor Badges

General Classification

Archery GB's general classification (GC) allows archers to be awarded a badge based on the overall shooting performance during the indoor season. This is awarded once at the end of the outdoo season.

To qualify for an Outdoor GC, an archer must shoot and score any 3 rounds during the same season either in club sessions or in tournaments.

For Outdoors, the classifications available are:

3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Bowman, Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman, with Junior Bowman and Junior Master Bowman also available to Juniors.

However, only Archery GB can award Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman (both senior and junior level), from a national level competition.

Picture of all Outdoor General Classification badges

252 Scheme

The 252 scheme is a progression scheme developed to aid an archer outdoors to shoot further distances and feel comfortable at a given distance before progressing,

This round consists of shooting 3 dozen arrows at increasing distances with 5 zone scoring system. 

An archer must achieve a score of 252, twice to qualify for a badge.

The badges are based on the distance and start at 30yards then continues up through 40y, 50y, 60y, 80y and 100yards. 

We highly suggest everyone to complete this scheme as regardless of if you are a new or current member, it helps with confidence in outdoor shooting and makes an archer feel comfortable at a distance before progressing to the next distance. Although there is no pressure on anyone to go to a further distance, advice as always is to shoot at a distance you feel comfortable at. 

Picture of all 252 scheme badges

Opening Times

Indoor Season - September to April
Tuesday & Friday - 18:00 - 21:00*
Saturday - 11:00 - 16:00

Outdoor Season - April to September
Tuesday & Friday - 18:00 - 21:00* **
Saturday - 11:00 - 16:00

*Session length subject to demand
**Subject to the evening's light levels

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